About us

Do you love blue sky & snow clouds? When I first dated my wife in 2010, we were hiking in a blue sky with snow clouds. She told me it is so wonderful if the time can stay at this moment.

I know we are in love now. However, one day I found blue sky index for the whole year is no longer published for some cities. I know we must do something to protect our home. With the development of technology, EVs are coming to us, such as Tesla, BYD, NIO, etc. What can I do in the era of electric vehicles for my original love?

So, YK technology Co., Ltd is founded. Our slogan is “Where there is a will, there is a way”. We firmly believe that quality is the soul of one company, and also our relentless pursuit to present the best & most suitable products to our clients. We can cooperate together to promote EV Business and make our effort to be CO2 neutral. YK not only supplies EV chargers, including EV AC/DC charging station, wallbox, portable EV chargers, Type 1/ Type 2 charging cables, CCS 1/ CCS2/CHAdeMO connectors, adaptors, sockets, and EV other accessories, but also can provide OEM & ODM service to fit various needs about EV Charger.

If you are interested, please contact us! Thanks.